Entry test for Motivation
If you want to test your knowledge and preexisting skills about motivation please take a few minutes and answer the folllowing entry test.
Course Motivation
Training Course
In relation to the senior population, the aim of the services is to protect the well-being, health and functional abilities of older people and to support their independent living. This is possible thanks to multidisciplinary competences and skills. It is probably expected that the new professional groups that have emerged in the care of the elderly population will have to be at the same time multi-talented service providers, but with less education and training than currently offered to ensure a quick response to the changing competence needs in working life (Taipale -Lehto and Bergman, 2015).
Previous work in this field has identified the competencies and skills needed in senior services in various areas: a) promotion of health and well-being; b) support for the integration of seniors; c) service activity facilitating life at home and d) sheltered housing with 24/7 assistance (or institutional care), according to 4 possible scenarios (ordinary, desirable, undesirable and unexpected) and targeted at a different customer profile (whether it is an active and independent elderly person single person in poor condition or informal care client) (Taipale-Lehto & Bergman, 2015).
While this framework needs further development, looking at the senior service areas mentioned above and different scenarios, the ability to motivate has been identified as one of the most important professional competencies for senior caregivers.
Final test
If you want to test your final knowledge about motivation please take a few minutes and answer the folllowing final test.